Raizel | 1953 - | Canadian
© May, 1985 just before my niece Michelle was born later that month
Dear Little One:
Three gifts He will endow you with: a birthright of humanity.
Guard them well and a rich and beautiful being you'll grow to be.
He gives to you a body. A housing for what's inside.
Treat it well and show respect and
it'll carry you through the darkest winters
till the blossoms of spring bloom again.
He gives to you a mind to put inside your golden locks.
To find the rights for those wrongs you reason of.
To find the key that frees the prisoner from shackles he cannot see.
To think of how and why and ifs, till the dawn turns to dusk.
And, then He gives the most precious one. Saved till last as a jewel to crown a beauty.
A soul.
Use it as a pocket and make its only possession your spirit.
Believe in the goodness of your fellow man. Believe in giving a helping hand.
Believe too in hope for when despair seems greatest.
And my little one, no church walls will ever be able to keep you out.
For you will belong to the religion of humanity.
And one wish I pass your way: Layers of Love to wrap these gifts.
Love these gifts -- your mind, your body, and your soul and then learn to Love everyone as your own.
These words I pass onto you as you lie asleep deep inside your mother's womb.
Your loving Aunt,