The Bell Of Maypool School

Raizel (1953 -) | Canadian | Published: © 1970 Apr 25; rev 2003 Jul 14

Shivers ran down her back as she thought of the day she would spend teaching her new class of students.

In her freshly starched skirt with gay ruffles streaming down to the floor, and her pressed white blouse with the tiny pearl buttons she adored so much, she sat at her desk giving final touch-ups to the plans for today.

In a few moments, she would go and ring the shining brass bell sitting on her desk longing, after a long summer, for hands to reach over and ring the clanger over and over again, loud and clear. The majestic sound of the bell would assemble together thirty tiny feet into a single-file line outside the door of Maypool School. The brass bell of this country school was no ordinary one to any person in Maypool. It had been presented to the school when the doors were opened by the Sheriff of Maypool back in 1897, three short years ago. This bell stood for the beginning of civilization to children whose parents never knew what it was to read or own a book. Now, by the ringing of this bell, children from all parts of the valley joined together every weekday morning to explore many worlds of art, literature and history. Even to be able to ring the music out of the bell was some sort of special favour the teacher may give to the one on his best behaviour.

She clutched her pearl and gold locket given to her by her parents before she left for this faraway nowhere and, prayed one last prayer. Then she glided down the aisle between the wooden desks that told their story on the face of the wood. Once outside, she would let go of the clanger and ring in the beginning of the school year, 1900.